The Chantels - He's Gone (2005)

  • The Chantels - He's Gone

    About Music Video

    • Artist: The Chantels
    • Song: He's Gone
    • Duration: 02:27
    • Online views: 589,597
    • Added: 2010-09-17

    User Comments

    • no question that they belong in rock hof--the dummies that run this fake operation mostly ignore the most important decade in the history of rock and roll

    • These young ladies had the most amazing voices and their harmony was superb, in my opinion, they were the premier of girl groups of that era, match by no one. I think that they didn’t get the recognition nor credit that they definitely deserved. To this day, they still sound “damn” good. My cousins used to rock all their music, by then, I was to young to appreciate “ good music “ , now when I hear a group like the chantels , I can really appreciate good music. These girls didn’t have to get “ Loud” and instruments wasn’t drowning out their voices. They were smooth and they could “ sing “, they had talent and class. They were in a class by them self ; at the “TOP”!!!!!, in my opinion.

    • I cannot believe they are not in the rock and roll hall of fame if true they should be there should be a special program of all the female groups from the 50’s 60’s