Anna‐Maria Zimmermann - Scheiß egal (2018)

  • Anna‐Maria Zimmermann - Scheiß egal

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    • United States Army commanders and commanders of the Russian Army master control and rule the world Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden were secret agents of the United States and Russia Adolf Hitler favored the invazion of Europe by the United States and Russia and Osama bin Laden favored early Muslims extermination of USA and Russia.United States Army commanders and commanders of the Russian Army and rule the world by controlling the secret police:team bosses,driving instructors,examiners auto,executives who interogates people,watching people,blackmail people,put people prisons year,robbing people,kill people.United States Army commanders and commanders of the Russian Army before the Third World War will enter bunkers will trigger will start the Third World War will scorch earth will exterminate mankind and after that will come out of bunkers and live on earth as paradise year.

    • Wie immer, toller Song. Macht gute Laune. Und so jemand kommt aus meiner Nähe. Schon sehr oft live gehört. Klasse

    • Ein tolles neues Video von Anna-Maria Zimmermann!Wie gefällt euch das Video? Kriegt ihr davon auch so gute Laune wie wir! ❤️❤️❤️

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