Billy Talent - Surprise Surprise (2012)

  • Billy Talent - Surprise Surprise

    About Music Video

    • Artist: Billy Talent
    • Song: Surprise Surprise
    • Duration: 03:56
    • Online views: 5,655,372
    • Added: 2012-10-13

    User Comments

    • I think its interesting the king is eating so much fried chicken. Is that supposed to be a metaphor?I mean he has literally everything and his eating strategy is to kill himself as soon as possible? If I had that much power I would.. build a moon base. Not eat myself to death. Seems wastefull.

    • I will never forget get the Billy talent experience when I watched them in my home town Toronto outside the Eaton center 6 years ago. Fucking awesome!!

    • "A lost generation trying to act profound.".. I used to listen to this alot more.I feel like teenager me was smarter than grown up me... and that thought seems like a warning.

    • An amazing song, I know die hard trumpers who love this song and die hard Clintoners who love this song, it’s a perfect balance of what we all want, get rid of the disgusting elite and rise up together, not in the terms of socialism or fascism, pro government or anti government, let’s all get along and realise this left VS right is total BS and get rid of the real evil

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