Spaceship Dalibor 2018-09-07 15:40:58 Yeah. . When i found out all this Day9 stuff was about some gamer dude I laughed. Totally expected day9 to be some mastermind label fronting mass changes in the scene with more music like BSBD. . .Ha!
Luke Magia 2018-06-18 20:37:37 What is the sample "now she will leave this troubled world, and she will take off into time and space" from?
day 9 can suck my dick... wu tang bought my here
My god, this makes me feel alive
Mauro Cesar Kennis
Brooke Shields sent me. She gave me anal.
Degenerate Arts Track list
Linked here from "Degenerate Art" soundtrack page...
Oktay Al
Day9 brought me here
Jesse Richardson
Day9! ... Please write the Starcraft 2 Bible... :D
Spaceship Dalibor
Yeah. . When i found out all this Day9 stuff was about some gamer dude I laughed. Totally expected day9 to be some mastermind label fronting mass changes in the scene with more music like BSBD. . .Ha!
Ivan Rojowski
I am having eargasm !
Luke Magia
What is the sample "now she will leave this troubled world, and she will take off into time and space" from?
Captain Campin
Day9 IS Jesus for Starcraft 2 players! Fixed.
Ricardo de Aguinaga
Moulins de mon couer.