Ftank Pyle 2019-05-22 08:49:11 I am 48 I gave seen 183 times he is the best ever no one can hold a candle to him I think
Makesha Clark 2019-02-06 14:11:16 Saw the Human Touch Tour 2 nts running at Wembley Arena in 92 v close to the stage and whilst there was no ESB, the musicians were excellent. Thought there were some great tracks on Human Touch n Lucky Town
Nanci Melo 2018-03-04 03:11:52 Eu o amor muito ele preenche o meu ninho de boas recordações. ...bjsssssss Nanci
Tara R
Tonight we are going to dragon queen you
Ftank Pyle
I am 48 I gave seen 183 times he is the best ever no one can hold a candle to him I think
Makesha Clark
Saw the Human Touch Tour 2 nts running at Wembley Arena in 92 v close to the stage and whilst there was no ESB, the musicians were excellent. Thought there were some great tracks on Human Touch n Lucky Town
Rose Agaatsz
Bruce Springsteen ‘ You ROCK
Markus Engfelt
it takes a leap of faith and nobody is gonna stop me !
Lesley Storey
You are one sad man you made you name of Edwin Star War
Nalin Downanout
Unbelievable! I was looking at the booty of that backup babe
Isabella Johnson
bruce is freaking iconic in the beginning omg
Margrit Brandt
Mega Bruce
mocha mochiña
Dios mio , es genial. !!!
Rafe Pulley
Bruce Springsteen.....O ÚNICO!!!O INCOMPARÁVEL
Tom Jaod
Nanci Melo
Eu o amor muito ele preenche o meu ninho de boas recordações. ...bjsssssss Nanci