I tied my ear buds to a copper spike, then I nailed it into fresh mud. I played this song, channeling the power into the earth. One worm became jormangundr the world serpent. I removed the motor from my honda and the roof, and I let the six foot tall beetles draw me forward chariot style. My neighbor parks like a dick, so I let my chariot beetles eat his dog. The aesir will welcome me.
Swiff Texas
I tied my ear buds to a copper spike, then I nailed it into fresh mud. I played this song, channeling the power into the earth. One worm became jormangundr the world serpent. I removed the motor from my honda and the roof, and I let the six foot tall beetles draw me forward chariot style. My neighbor parks like a dick, so I let my chariot beetles eat his dog. The aesir will welcome me.
Sheev Palpatine
My apprentice listened to this, and finally became strong enough to betray and destroy me. Greetings from the Death Star II.
And Rii
Irgendwas über Ragnarok:)
anyone knows the "lyrics"?
Jennifer Dollneaz
greetings from România!!
philipp plein
That FL Studio stock Zgame Visualizer tho
Carl Manx
While listening to this song my Beard Grew another Beard!
Károly Császár
Kedvenc (HUN) / favourite
Joy et compagnie
I need to know the lyrics
Kenneth Powers
Speed up by 1.25x holy shit balls
Thank you for the music and the spiritual boost. Hail Odin
this gave all the elves I was making beards!
Steven Umphlett
Bardaginn var frábær Odin brosti fyrir fallið
Zachary Baker
Allfather, i am going to you!!!
Steven Umphlett
This Odin battling the frost giant Farbauti