Caralho, dá uma dor no peito ouvir isto e lembrar que o tempo passa e que infelizmente não volta mais, mas pelo menos fica o consolo de ter vivido uma boa época e curtido muitas coisas boas
What an evocative and nostalgic sound. Although the song is from the 80s, I remember sharing this video on my Facebook account 4 or 5 years ago, I wish I could turn back time to those gone happy days.
H Kay
And this was seen as just another single off that superb album in them days
Xtra Delite
Traveling alone I guess.
adorable adorable
Ian its the poet of eighties! Brilliant always and awesome
Lục Thị Lê
Mac was singing this song when he sent me a kiss and than I thought " I can die happy, now". Sugar kisses
Connell McKenna
and ultimately what i digis ian mcculloch in a wig.<3
Hank Hardigan
The la’s, the waterboys
Justin Crowe
Wow just wow...forgot wot a gem this was
Liri Doron
são Paulo....................................
Juan Carlos González Flores
he really be out here looking better as a girl than i do
Rebeca Marques
Caralho, dá uma dor no peito ouvir isto e lembrar que o tempo passa e que infelizmente não volta mais, mas pelo menos fica o consolo de ter vivido uma boa época e curtido muitas coisas boas
Daniel Farje
What an evocative and nostalgic sound. Although the song is from the 80s, I remember sharing this video on my Facebook account 4 or 5 years ago, I wish I could turn back time to those gone happy days.
Callum Rhodes
Every Stone Roses song ever just sounds like the chorus to this song.
Eliza Bete