cengiz kotsa 2019-01-25 18:05:09 the song would of been better if there was no clean singing just saying
William Myers 2018-05-25 22:58:40 These breakdowns are so unnecessary, kill the flow of the songs, lack technicality. ..so tired of them in practically every song.
Mike Howard
Clean vocals made it just as good
The screaming in this is freaking amazing. Way better than the Redux.
cengiz kotsa
the song would of been better if there was no clean singing just saying
Fvck Up
The tone in this fucking nasty I love it
gustavo Da Siva
Muiiiiito foda vocal top
Chorus is fully shit
Ryan Sheldon
Jared Easterling Singing? WHT???...
what a blooming possesion of a song
Zuan Harris
Can somebody please comment the lyrics of this song?
William Myers
These breakdowns are so unnecessary, kill the flow of the songs, lack technicality. ..so tired of them in practically every song.
Tommy P
jesus christ that was awesome.