Those opposed to mass immigration waste energy on bitching about the immigrants. The immigrants are just the tool of the enemy, not the enemy themselves. You deter mass immigration by punishing the people who provide incentives for them to come. Furthermore, we would do well to punish the people who endlessly fuck around and destabilize other countries, causing people to flee them. Focusing on immigrants is really flailing at the branches when it is far more productive to strike at the roots.
Those opposed to mass immigration waste energy on bitching about the immigrants. The immigrants are just the tool of the enemy, not the enemy themselves. You deter mass immigration by punishing the people who provide incentives for them to come. Furthermore, we would do well to punish the people who endlessly fuck around and destabilize other countries, causing people to flee them. Focusing on immigrants is really flailing at the branches when it is far more productive to strike at the roots.
Crazy Catnip
Immigrants...we get the job done!
jeanette boshoff
The 393 people who disliked this are Trump supporters
Rudy Straight
???? What you wrote???? Ukrajina??? Romain!!!!
The Story So Far
build the fucking wall and send the illegals back to their self made shithole countries
Kirk Berryhill
Al Lec
We ive in real life, fockof!
Marty McFly
I love first season of true detective
Terence Boris
yeah but globalist-funded mass immigration of middle easterners is an assault on European sovereignty. It’s a politically motivated invasion.