Георгий Гущин 2018-07-15 08:37:34 Great music for car drivers. Guitar music stabilizes the heart. The lack of text does not reduce the attention. A necessary condition for positive effects - the sound should be above the instrument panel, in the field of view.
chenquistador 2018-03-29 16:53:44 wow... been loooking for this song. So glad someone put it up just recently. Thumbs up up up!
Георгий Гущин
Great music for car drivers. Guitar music stabilizes the heart. The lack of text does not reduce the attention. A necessary condition for positive effects - the sound should be above the instrument panel, in the field of view.
Well that ended abruptly. lol
wow... been loooking for this song. So glad someone put it up just recently. Thumbs up up up!