I read about this band whilst reading a biography of another band and expected to hear some great stuff .. alas all I got was shity music played by a bunch of guys with vagina envy . Total garbage .
eka video ja alkuperäinen kokoonpano tästä mun hanoi alkoi the world best bänd this is hanoi rocks finland muut matkijat painukaa vittuun the andy mccoy and hanoi rocks
Wayno Walden
I read about this band whilst reading a biography of another band and expected to hear some great stuff .. alas all I got was shity music played by a bunch of guys with vagina envy . Total garbage .
Jarkko TNiemi
eka video ja alkuperäinen kokoonpano tästä mun hanoi alkoi the world best bänd this is hanoi rocks finland muut matkijat painukaa vittuun the andy mccoy and hanoi rocks
kazuto tonoma
Simon Hunter
saw mike monroe solo a while back. just as much energy if not more than way back then!
Finland gave us possibly the best composer, Sibelius, and just as possibly the worst band, Hanoi Rocks.
"First a little too fast, then a little bit much too slow"- Love It!
Jency Banton 101
Hanoi Rocks was truly what a glam band should be...the look, sense of danger and damn, those songs:)
Jarkko TNiemi
tradegy hanoi rocks kiitos sami antti jani kiitos maaillman kovin the band
Francesca Boccaccio
There’s true beauty in this ✨ --- also the 105 people that hit the unlike button are much too slow for rock n roll.
Loli 12345danita
Jarkko TNiemi
tästä se lähti the hanoi
Timo Rekonen
Timo Rekonen (+358) 045-80 671 54
Jarkko TNiemi
i say hanoi rocks forever rip nicolas dingley see my friend
Jarkko TNiemi
tästä se lähti hanoi fan kokkola suomi äätänä