Big Tymer 2018-09-07 02:04:34 This song is secretly gay but when you grew up in the 80s you didnt have gaydar until the 2000s.
Ryan ChurastheMGTOW 2018-09-03 03:57:39 "Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding" How could any parent disagree with that statement?
matthew sanders 2018-06-23 05:11:28 “If you’re bored then you’re boring”. Fucking quote of the universe’s existence.
Fotir Grinsa 2018-06-22 03:15:31 This song is how I am hands down this is me.. ask these dirty panties and this empty bottle.. laying on the cold hard floor atm
jason mcgregor
stupid people are breeding..
Jacob Register
This song makes me want to break things
4 naan, jeremy??????
kurt feil
it sez Flagpole Sitta" ! cool
from that movie but ughhh what i grew up with
Francis Odom
I always thought this was Green Day
Brandon Smith
Yo I liked this b4 it was cool yeah me.
Big Tymer
This song is secretly gay but when you grew up in the 80s you didnt have gaydar until the 2000s.
Tommy TwoKick
Since when is god damn a word to be censored?
Ryan ChurastheMGTOW
"Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding" How could any parent disagree with that statement?
Petr Kada
these white boys were so damn talented and all unique voices
Ryan Cameron
"now am an amputee god damn you"
matthew sanders
“If you’re bored then you’re boring”. Fucking quote of the universe’s existence.
Fotir Grinsa
This song is how I am hands down this is me.. ask these dirty panties and this empty bottle.. laying on the cold hard floor atm
Triumph The Insult Comic Dog
can we agree this is the peak of nerd rock?
Carice Alves
"I came here blah blah blah." I came.