TELESFORT PATRICE 2018-03-09 03:41:13 And all the ole niggas hate on hip hop out these days. Guess they be sleeping or to hardheaded to give artists like IR and KOTA a chance.
Kristin Pimmé
4 years since my favorite song of all time dropped
Ging Jackson
Follow me on instagram "Ging200" link to my mixtape n my bio
Jailen Graham
2014 take me backI hate this year and everyone in it
Brian J
Very agnostic but I know this song helps.
Eloya W
So wavy, love this song!
anthony Crutch
Keep your head up everyone. We gon be okay
Axel Hernand
Shout out to scheme engine.
And all the ole niggas hate on hip hop out these days. Guess they be sleeping or to hardheaded to give artists like IR and KOTA a chance.
Joshua Nez
His 2nd album will dropping this year.2 0 1 9