RobbieSuede13 2018-12-05 16:15:56 Why am i discovering this band just now ? i need to stop living under a rock
Oldominion 2018-02-26 04:35:06 She is one of the best singers i have ever heard <3 worst thing is she cold be the twin of my GF lol like everything..
Alex Smith
This seems like a case for Burt Macklin
Antonio Angiolelli
Why am i discovering this band just now ? i need to stop living under a rock
i miss this band hope they get back together sooner or later
lifecore 777
This girl has a beautiful hair
Tristan Sartor
but why are all the comments from so long ago?
Mau Arce
The powertubbies metal show
Phillip Lehl
What in Crystal meth did I just watch? XD dead
Andrew Myles
low budget power rangers
She is one of the best singers i have ever heard <3 worst thing is she cold be the twin of my GF lol like everything..
Dave R
Why did it take me 5 years to notice the drummer lands on his ass LOL