Jamie O’Neal - Somebody's Hero (2005)

  • Jamie O’Neal - Somebody's Hero

    About Music Video

    • Artist: Jamie O’Neal
    • Song: Somebody's Hero
    • Duration: 03:35
    • Online views: 2,139,214
    • Added: 2009-06-22

    User Comments

    • My baby turned 10 today. I offically have less time w her than ive had in the past before shes 18 and moving on w her own life. This has been our aong since she was a baby and i cant stop crying today

    • When I was 19 months I was in a car crash and I died 3 time and my father died but my mom is a Wonderful person in my life Love you Mother

    • I’ve been looking for this song for soooo long! I had to do some serious searching for this song. I was a little girl when I saw this music video & it touched me so much. Now as an adult, seeing this still gives me the same feeling. I’m blessed to have my mom & granny still in my life...thank you God!

    • We found out this week that my mom has cancer.Don’t know what type yet, but they have a plan in place to do radiation. They see stuff in her brain, lung and possibly pancreas, so it’s going to be a tough fight. I’m about to turn 27. I’m not ready to lose my mom

    • My mother left an abusive marriage after 42 years. In the last 8 years she has bought her own home, gotten her CNA certificate. All in her 60’s. She is my here, showing that you are never to old to start over.