It’s crazy how I always thought it sound like jlo now I can hear Millian wow .. still’ love both of them either way a lot of artist sing other writers songs .. but funny how jlo signs the chorus cuz usually chorus are the artist lmfao wow I’m today born !!!!!!
Skyler Isaac
It’s crazy how I always thought it sound like jlo now I can hear Millian wow .. still’ love both of them either way a lot of artist sing other writers songs .. but funny how jlo signs the chorus cuz usually chorus are the artist lmfao wow I’m today born !!!!!!
Bryon Paul Veal
This was a tune back in the day and is still.
Karel Slaets
Vous me faites trop vibrer... Jennifer je t aime.... Mon bb pour tjrs.... I love you so much baby
J.lo ❤❤
Irene Taylor
Damn it is Cristina Milan
Joseph McDonald
Where is Christina Millian feat? I’m not surprised, Jlo is always just thinking about herself.
Delana Veirs
Makes the title seem Ironic
Akinde Cassandra
I can hear it now clearly