Emily Cappai 2018-11-29 18:27:00 Jon sings in his words the life of a true man. a hero. same as me after a hollywood princess. i want to be his friend. hang out with him. comfort eachother.... perhaps no words...
Emily Cappai
Jon sings in his words the life of a true man. a hero. same as me after a hollywood princess. i want to be his friend. hang out with him. comfort eachother.... perhaps no words...
Hugo Dias
Bons tempos meia noite
The best with in t. Arms
Elza De Branco
Meu coração até dói de tanta saudade...
Cupula Projetos
It is midnight in Ibirité all the time
Nice Lopes
Ele estava muito lindo nesse clipe nossa!!!
Titou Ledernier
A voice mix of keep the faith and these days