Pushpa Verma 2019-01-14 14:14:45 I actually liked it as much as the original one as there is no negatively affecting change. It was the best remix ever made in my opinion. If I could I would like it a million times.
Ailane Sarah
headphones on world off
Jesse FX
Its better than other numb remix this 1 is my favorite
annu rajeev
oooooh chester i miss you alot bro i miss you
Tyler Olszewski
we miss you Chester!
Daniel Coleman
Fell in love with this remix
Matt Bustos
Blown away I love it ❤️ I think Chester would’ve too
Nico Bajram
kuak gast
Can I use this for a montage
Pushpa Verma
I actually liked it as much as the original one as there is no negatively affecting change. It was the best remix ever made in my opinion. If I could I would like it a million times.
I become so numb I can feel you there
Randy Gamble
thank you for helping me remember this song