linsay brith 2018-07-21 02:29:21 Aww when the little girl that had gotten shy when the camera guy came close started dancing and then jumping I just lost it, had a smile that went from one ear to the other dont think I ever smiled that broadly.
Brian Peabody 2018-04-06 21:52:24 the portland scene is so great. so sick of brooklyn - NOTHING is going on there anymore.
Johnny Arellano
Those kids are teenagers, now!
Drew Foreman
still delightful all these years later
Hot RODyssey
Fact: That little kid is so much better at dancing than me.
Matthew Wilson
I bet that was a lot of fun.
Zeus Minestrone
I lost it when it showed the kids dancing.
linsay brith
Aww when the little girl that had gotten shy when the camera guy came close started dancing and then jumping I just lost it, had a smile that went from one ear to the other dont think I ever smiled that broadly.
Brian Peabody
the portland scene is so great. so sick of brooklyn - NOTHING is going on there anymore.
Gonzalo Jara
i saw this on 2007 and i still doesnt forgot the rhytm
William Lund
That little dude got the grooves!