Devin Neer 2018-11-16 07:05:58 okay so it bothered me that the lyric is “i heard you ‘65 could really haul some ass” but the car they used was a ‘69 Camaro
Cutter Neitzel 2018-09-27 19:09:50 If only Danica was this fast on the track......but I still somewhat respect her as a driver
Karla Staley
Did ya catch a little of my
Morgane Alix
That Ford truck would never catch that Camaro ha ha
Devin Neer
okay so it bothered me that the lyric is “i heard you ‘65 could really haul some ass” but the car they used was a ‘69 Camaro
Cutter Neitzel
If only Danica was this fast on the track......but I still somewhat respect her as a driver
WolfQueen 2019
Now this is how you repo a car lol
Destiny Sings
They shot this at a bar near my house
Loren Daemon
I stan these lesbian car thieves
Eva Zsigmond
gotta love the judicial system in america
Holo trash can
Hot Rod Baby ...lmao Didnt Realize It Was Go Daddy Danica ...
Arif Pinzikli
they are quick chicks