I reallllllly hope they come back this year!!!!!!! They said that they probably will be because the band they said they wanted to kind of be like was the Smashing Pumpkins and Smashing Pumpkins were together for 12 years and they broke up and then came back together after like 6 years
Trio S
Lagu jaman gua klas 1 SD:)
Mcr is a legacy that will never be forgotten
Zoey Barsegian LOL
They are a snaccThey dress in blaccBUT MOST IMPORTANTLY We want them bacc!!!!
Tomas Monteverde
This brings back so many memories.
Arielle Emery
i have like an unhealthy love for this song and im pretty sure no one will relate but whatever lol
PR Germany
Wow this song messes with my feelings. First it feels all badass and at the end it was all sad and emotional
I reallllllly hope they come back this year!!!!!!! They said that they probably will be because the band they said they wanted to kind of be like was the Smashing Pumpkins and Smashing Pumpkins were together for 12 years and they broke up and then came back together after like 6 years