Jem BlindAmbition 2019-05-28 14:03:00 At first African we buy thing with gold not paper. Europeans stole all of it. Gaddafi of Libya try to bring gold to Africa. American politicians killed him.
Volazanaka Eric 2018-06-23 04:01:43 nas pd anao hivoniky hivoniky lelamboa raza lelamboa raza lelamboa raza nas pd pd.
Jem BlindAmbition
At first African we buy thing with gold not paper. Europeans stole all of it. Gaddafi of Libya try to bring gold to Africa. American politicians killed him.
Assis Júnior
Bruder AXA Werbung läuft.
Pedro Nunez
This song is to iluminati lol great song NY for life .
Jacinda Gantt
I love this song it is the truth
Matthew wer1980 GOD we trust!!!
Gürhan Yılmaz
this beat is Turkish march !
Piano KingScott Storch brought me here
Volazanaka Eric
nas pd anao hivoniky hivoniky lelamboa raza lelamboa raza lelamboa raza nas pd pd.
Mr Perfectionist
Nas & Eminem are guardians of hip-hop
Charlene Palmer
Nagły atak spawacza
jack plummer
Great song but TOTALLY historically inaccurate
Patrick Beavers
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