I was at a pro wrestling show recently, and an instrumental of this song was the entrance theme for one of the wrestlers. A bunch of us in the crowd happened to be Nine Inch Nails fans and began singing the lyrics. After the show, he was interacting with folks and mentioned that he heard people singing the lyrics, which meant a lot to him considering it was his debut in the company.
I have always found it odd that Trent can shit out a single only to have people delve in to his deep cuts. Marketing in a way that I find less shitty. His deep cuts are what represent his artistry as a musician. This is a great pop track but it wore me out quick.I love NIN! I just like his tactics with getting people in to more experimental music. Loves his disco beats with the singles lol.
Cuong Huynh
I was at a pro wrestling show recently, and an instrumental of this song was the entrance theme for one of the wrestlers. A bunch of us in the crowd happened to be Nine Inch Nails fans and began singing the lyrics. After the show, he was interacting with folks and mentioned that he heard people singing the lyrics, which meant a lot to him considering it was his debut in the company.
ayoub sallak
This song makes me want to sleep outside.
Tres Loco
The hand that feeds is the hand that strikes you.
Adam Rose
I have always found it odd that Trent can shit out a single only to have people delve in to his deep cuts. Marketing in a way that I find less shitty. His deep cuts are what represent his artistry as a musician. This is a great pop track but it wore me out quick.I love NIN! I just like his tactics with getting people in to more experimental music. Loves his disco beats with the singles lol.
Ronald Pevahouse
Hi rascal are you really son
Tom Kloser
Arizona Man meets FrumpOffers him a mullet biscuit.
Sapiens Metalhead
Old classic ever! \m/
Ahmed Clay
Vocals: Severus SnapeDrums: Davie504
Nadia González
When Jesus comes again he will be singing this song.
Dexter Bundy Gacy Dahmer
Charlie bit my finger?????
the exotic keeper
My snake bit me when I fed her now I listened to this song