Dave martin 2018-11-22 21:25:49 Pour garder la ligne, mieux vaut la batterie que le chant !! blague à part, Obituary toujours au top !!!
yudi gustiyan 2018-10-30 07:14:48 long aged for this band....i follow this band since 1994 until now....Dyne....
Donna Moffitt
The best and tightest live band ever along with macarbe
Gemma Speer
One very recognisable voice
Lucas Struna
they all play very strangely but awesomely!
Prince K
such a simple drum beat
Dave martin
Pour garder la ligne, mieux vaut la batterie que le chant !! blague à part, Obituary toujours au top !!!
yudi gustiyan
long aged for this band....i follow this band since 1994 until now....Dyne....
Sayfull Gaston
Obituary never die!!! This band never dies!! Crazy
Márcio aeon
uma das melhores bandas de metal!
Hebert Motta