Tookie back from mission targets maps input governsments VIP soldiers lines in citys terrists citys lots too first borns fars lines up try told ears yea watch VIP go ok...pans not ja rules in good VIP ears stundums hip hop music singers songs richs Richie ,dolls faces singers songs my took..yea my baby honeys ears all said my girls goods ones at terrists citys thanks money rich Richie well back homes states freedoms see freedoms makes my governsments freedoms states VIP workers extras buys jumps all fix winners fights on boys mean girls mean killers lazgers dies the freedoms sides took many now homes states VIP..soldiers runs kicks doors now .terrists citys la vice terrists input .ok .best bonus jobs .soldiers goods freedoms makes best bonus..loves all..kolo citys
Swift The Fox
Hearing this song live last night was amazing
Angelina Pama
who wears jeans to a waterfall
Krissy Stokes
People who agree this is better than despacito like
Gabriel Engom Vlog
Sound just like Michael Jackson R.I.P. MICHAEL
scott mc
Original Ant and seb got more views in their audition that this cover up song video
Why are they all wearing jeans in the water lmao
Joe McKenzie
Peter Andre is fulla shit and his music is crap
Lan Siaw
Ant & Seb nailed this!
Lampun Bunraksa
Upul Kumara
I wanna be with you
Eva-Marie Pacelli
Ant&Seb ruined this song
Isaiah Tukuvaka
Tookie back from mission targets maps input governsments VIP soldiers lines in citys terrists citys lots too first borns fars lines up try told ears yea watch VIP go ok...pans not ja rules in good VIP ears stundums hip hop music singers songs richs Richie ,dolls faces singers songs my took..yea my baby honeys ears all said my girls goods ones at terrists citys thanks money rich Richie well back homes states freedoms see freedoms makes my governsments freedoms states VIP workers extras buys jumps all fix winners fights on boys mean girls mean killers lazgers dies the freedoms sides took many now homes states VIP..soldiers runs kicks doors now .terrists citys la vice terrists input .ok .best bonus jobs .soldiers goods freedoms makes best bonus..loves all..kolo citys
Cheyenne Sterner
I stop and stare at you walking with No BrAaaaaAAaaaaa