Prof - Myself (2011)

  • Prof - Myself

    About Music Video

    • Artist: Prof
    • Song: Myself
    • Duration: 04:32
    • Online views: 428,176
    • Added: 2012-05-10

    User Comments

    • Dude..... this hits very close to home for me. My father was an alcoholic my entire life. At the age of 10, in January, I found out that my parents where getting divorced and that it was finalized. Not 3 minutes after finding that out, my father tried to kill me, my sister and my mother in a drunken rage with a can of gas. I got outside after watching my father pour gas on my mother and try to light her on fire. We got in the car and right after my mother started it he poured gas on the hood and lit it with us in it. We got out and me and my sister went to edge of the road. I was hysterical screaming "Dad how could you!", at the top of my lungs. Next thing I know the police fire department and paramedics showed up and my father was arrested. To this day that night haunts me and that memory of sitting in the front passenger seat of the patrol car hearing my father cry and him telling me he is sorry will haunt me to the day I die (which to me somedays just cant come soon enough.) Too anyone who has been in scenarios like this in any way just know, you are not alone. This has been the hardest comment for me to type.

    • Jeez ,how has this only had one hundred an ofd veiws since last comment , more artists like this need to pop up on the mainstream music scene every couple of yr , I would bet that prof would get more fans if he got a little more exposure ,,,why cause all music right now is pants,crap,not very good , total RUBBISH , ear ripping , in other words shit ,

    • ive been discovering him all morning this is the frist serious song ive heard from him. wow prop man for having the shity up bringing and still doing fun and positive music for the most part.

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