Andrea Pauletti 2018-12-14 14:19:33 I swear there is something about this video, every time I watch it I burst into tears. It just makes me so happy
Majestic Twelve 2018-09-23 00:26:37 Who also thinks that Anthony has a beautiful, lovely, charming smile? <3 God I love him so much
Christopher Howe 2018-03-28 08:20:20 Mein Lieblingslied von denen....vom wunderbaren Doppel-Album "Stadium Arcadium"....
lydi st
I see RHCP i click
Zion Trismegisto
Aaaaaaaah...isso foi lindo! ❤
Andrea Pauletti
I swear there is something about this video, every time I watch it I burst into tears. It just makes me so happy
Igor Brezovic
Best RHCP song ever?
james bonds
Does anybody else see pewdewpie in this
shane micah
RCHP is underrated. Period.
Majestic Twelve
Who also thinks that Anthony has a beautiful, lovely, charming smile? <3 God I love him so much
babeth bremond
Anthony with not only a shirt, but a tie too
milea dine
Anderson da Silva
1° vez que escuto essa música caramba
Iamara Dourado
Amo esses caras! <3
Christopher Howe
Mein Lieblingslied von denen....vom wunderbaren Doppel-Album "Stadium Arcadium"....