Dichosos aquellos que lo pudieron ver en vivo! me encantaría que algún día nos deleite con su música en Buenos Aires, Argentina!!! Que algún productor lo traiga por favor!!!!
What a gem Robert is! We saw his performance in San Francisco last month, and I gotta say he is on our home list now constantly.Robert has such a sweet and expressive voice., his lyrics are meaningful and his guitar sings so beautifully! Thank you Robert Cray for giving us your gifts so generously and gracefully!
Marina Bravo
Dichosos aquellos que lo pudieron ver en vivo! me encantaría que algún día nos deleite con su música en Buenos Aires, Argentina!!! Que algún productor lo traiga por favor!!!!
El Guapo
I didnt love it like I love the rest. But he tells a good story. Videos never do a song justice anyway
Ivetta Vlasiouk
What a gem Robert is! We saw his performance in San Francisco last month, and I gotta say he is on our home list now constantly.Robert has such a sweet and expressive voice., his lyrics are meaningful and his guitar sings so beautifully! Thank you Robert Cray for giving us your gifts so generously and gracefully!
Kili Pokelda
Bardzo ładne słowa. Miły song
Jeffrey Greene
Great song... Robert Cray has lots of great songs. Thanks for posting.
joel beltran
merci mr cray tu rechauffes mon âme
Donald Hahwood
another song so true but what can i say r do he is telling my life and its so true
George Fuller
his music / lyrics are true to life
Loon Wong
Beautiful singing and that haunting organ sound. A gem.
just saw him live and he is just as good live and not many artists are nowadays