Once I saw the knight sitting there weeping, then summoned the blue orb into his hands, this video had me thinking of a cross between kingdom hearts and dark souls. The knight summoned a soul orb into his hands, giving it to the goddess of the ocean as a beacon to show he existed. His final attempt to seek contact with another soul. The woman from the beginning was lost in this fantasy, almost drowned within it. She finds a boat to seek her love, the knight, who became crestfallen after being rejected by the goddess. Such events were written by the sorcerer in his tome, yet he saw only a bittersweet ending for the three. Replay this video, you start the cycle anew...
Michael Dornelas
This song makes me feel emotional as fuck
Once I saw the knight sitting there weeping, then summoned the blue orb into his hands, this video had me thinking of a cross between kingdom hearts and dark souls. The knight summoned a soul orb into his hands, giving it to the goddess of the ocean as a beacon to show he existed. His final attempt to seek contact with another soul. The woman from the beginning was lost in this fantasy, almost drowned within it. She finds a boat to seek her love, the knight, who became crestfallen after being rejected by the goddess. Such events were written by the sorcerer in his tome, yet he saw only a bittersweet ending for the three. Replay this video, you start the cycle anew...
Victor Gabriel
Christina Souza
the drop sound reminds me of Illenium’s Lost
Viết Triều Văn
Am i the only one tripping acid
Grey Vahid
Please put Seven Lions song on audiomack
Charlotte Shumate
Melodic Dubstep Forever <3
Michael Tra
My favorite part is the very end with the strings and Kerli, every single time I hear it I become a goosebump and tear factory