ON SIGHT 2019-02-15 05:22:10 Roses are red violence is too when the beat dropped it ended world war 2
Luan Vasconcelos 2018-12-26 03:53:03 I played this song at the airport and people started running thinking that a bomb exploded
ShivanshPlayz 2018-12-16 12:43:32 I dropped my phone playing this near Japan. you know what happened next :p
She Adjusted Her Crown 2018-12-11 09:33:16 Yo if I took the melody of this and resampled it, added another melody, sliced it l, and created something new would that be allowed, or do I need clearance or some shit
ROCCO Magli 2018-09-24 15:33:41 Its only a SLIGHT tsunamiLast time something dropped this hard japan surrendered.
Denis Brigitte manson 2018-05-30 09:25:00 Kennt hier jemand Exetra Beats :D Der hat den Beat ja auch benutzt.
Roses are red violence is too when the beat dropped it ended world war 2
Luan Vasconcelos
I played this song at the airport and people started running thinking that a bomb exploded
I dropped my phone playing this near Japan. you know what happened next :p
She Adjusted Her Crown
Yo if I took the melody of this and resampled it, added another melody, sliced it l, and created something new would that be allowed, or do I need clearance or some shit
Diana CaRey
Bass dropped harder than my grades lmao
Im from the future this song is sick...
Its only a SLIGHT tsunamiLast time something dropped this hard japan surrendered.
Dislikes are from my city
Denis Brigitte manson
Kennt hier jemand Exetra Beats :D Der hat den Beat ja auch benutzt.
Mad Lad
Me listening when a stumnami is about to wreck everything
Blockhead Kaisa
One day that logo will break......