michael moan 2018-04-28 10:14:09 temptation is not commentary says mr smyth or would you like to be in a state of a new orderly approach?
Maggie Wirman 2018-03-07 19:04:32 With this song they taught me the days of the week in English when I was 11 years old. What memories
Sun Shine
I want to marry on a friday so I can play this as our wedding song.
Inês Simões
Passo aqui todas as sextas feiras
Cinderella 028
Missing the person who sang it for me
Siempre freginsísimos The Cure. :)
Bruno Araujo
first friday listening and im gonna keep this tradition up
Christian Juckenack
Kaz its saturday and im already a demon
Darren Dale
Saturday well I was in love yesterday
M Bison dislikes this video.
Mary Mary
Yuri Garrisi
Good very good lets dance
michael moan
temptation is not commentary says mr smyth or would you like to be in a state of a new orderly approach?
Matthew Garcia
ta vendo o video eduuaardaa
Maggie Wirman
With this song they taught me the days of the week in English when I was 11 years old. What memories
Vivacious Vivienne
It’s Friday