People here say the crowd is dead..Look at the band . No energy. Crowd reacts to the musicians.Btw... bass line is not hard as someone posted earlier. Not hard for an intermediate player.
Jaimie West Oram riff. They sound so good with no gear(almost) on 10 square meters shitty stage with the house light in front of dead people. They are genius.
ZeroChill 215
I can just slap each and every last one of the people in the crowd
lars lemminge
Totally vintage cool. Live band, dead audience !
sound as good as ever. Got to see them live
Jason Rouse
Lead singer is like "Wtf am I singing to? These fucks in this audience are as dead as their retirement portfolios."
Ellen Ravelli
And I think you are also a gf slut shaming ....
The Natural Moocher
People here say the crowd is dead..Look at the band . No energy. Crowd reacts to the musicians.Btw... bass line is not hard as someone posted earlier. Not hard for an intermediate player.
oOrlando oGonzales
Lively crowd for valium addicts
Lana Oaks
Best 80s band No one like them still today
The 80"S was the Best Decade. Love, The Fixx .
Ricky Williams
Trump lies leads to another.
Robert Hippler
Jaimie West Oram riff. They sound so good with no gear(almost) on 10 square meters shitty stage with the house light in front of dead people. They are genius.