How do people think this shit is “deep” or “emotional” in any way? It’s pandering, that’s all. It’s emo porn...totally designed from the ground up to elicit a “boo hoo” reaction from dumb people. No depth whatsoever. It’s like someone asked “what’s the most one dimensionally ‘sad’ thing you can think of?”
lil savage
My grandmother loves this song she past away last yr while this song was playing i cry every time it plays cuz now i think of her
Selena Ray
I cry every time!
How do people think this shit is “deep” or “emotional” in any way? It’s pandering, that’s all. It’s emo porn...totally designed from the ground up to elicit a “boo hoo” reaction from dumb people. No depth whatsoever. It’s like someone asked “what’s the most one dimensionally ‘sad’ thing you can think of?”
Molly LittleBird
My grandmother loves this past away last yr while this song was playing
YaGurl Marley
It’s very sad but i love this song so much as a teenager I just love this song
Clayton Gillson
I was born song I love song tosh my hands
Officer Downe
Always liked this song
Daniel Hoyle
Listening to it with my nephew
Francis Drake
Sam Tanner
My favorite song in the world and it still is.
My cousin Michael(RIP) Loved this song!
Wishes 4ever
Tim please come out with some new music that sounds and feels like this