Metal-Up- My-Bass 2019-07-15 10:22:47 This is perfect for when you start drinking morning drinking lol or anytime of day
Metal-Up- My-Bass
This is perfect for when you start drinking morning drinking lol or anytime of day
fevzi aks
Shit remind me of ministry
bro this is almost meat jackable
Shibe Shibe
HAPPY FUCKING NEW YEAR C:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
campbell hough
thanks i can watch horror movies now
Christine Brown
This is Mille megadeth part two
The art style reminds me of when MTV used to NOT SUCK
Lonely Unicorn
The Adult Swim is strong in this one.
Who makes these animations?
some Motorhead influence there I think.
Paul Gamble
Thrash metal + Death metal + Acid= This Masterpiece