I dig Behemoth (soundwise) and even though I understand that they are pissed off with the roman catholic church - and rightly so - this video shows so amusingly well how futile and pathetic our rebellion against God is. Despite darwinian wishful thinking He definitely does exist and also does love us infinitely. But being ultimately true, He will also judge. Everyone according to his OWN deeds.
Najlepsze jest to, że gdyby nie kościół katolicki i wszyscy go zwalczający (Behemotha) to Behemoth by nie istniał albo był jakimś małym zespolikiem którego nikt by nie słuchał xdd
Pauline Dukers
Imagine you make the same thing with Allah and Islam...lol do you like explosions ? Christians are very kind...
Yajaira De Espinoza P
Fab bianco
Wow how evil they are!
peter B
fuck i love behemoth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
victor De La Cruz
To (Hell)as now!!!!!
haegars lair
I dig Behemoth (soundwise) and even though I understand that they are pissed off with the roman catholic church - and rightly so - this video shows so amusingly well how futile and pathetic our rebellion against God is. Despite darwinian wishful thinking He definitely does exist and also does love us infinitely. But being ultimately true, He will also judge. Everyone according to his OWN deeds.
Guy from the sticks
I got a MF Shawn Mendes add before this video began... FML
Satan dwells in vatican
he he ,polscy rządni władzy pisokatoholicy mogą co najwyżej szczekać jak ulubiona sfora kaczora he hne
Mariano Polano
Jesteście Bechemod wyjebani spod prawicy Boga zakakujecie mnie dlaczego
Silowell Shaw
This is one of my favourite songs ever
Francisco Javier Silva López
Najlepsze jest to, że gdyby nie kościół katolicki i wszyscy go zwalczający (Behemotha) to Behemoth by nie istniał albo był jakimś małym zespolikiem którego nikt by nie słuchał xdd