ikiwyu 2019-01-26 03:03:34 I love the choirs in this song. "It is night in my heart, it is moon in my eyes".
Christian 2018-06-15 20:25:29 In The Nightside Eclipse is a prototype of black metal. Tough thing to say "destroys in every way.."
MichuP1 2018-05-20 16:52:59 The early voice of Nergal was fucking epic, similar to Werwolf from Satanic Warmaster!This track is just pure beauty of black metal. The real Behemoth.Hail!!
AstarothDeathSeeker 2018-02-22 00:20:34 +OnyxBeastGuitar "it destroys albums like In The Nightside Eclipse in every way." hahaha, nice joke dude
Gabriel Andrade
better than the other
Ben Bnadem
what once was .... old behemoth
Pretty much the only good album they made
I love the choirs in this song. "It is night in my heart, it is moon in my eyes".
Louis Quinones
Best song in the album.
That horn outro is pretty damn nice.
how do u pronounce sventevith ive always wondered this
books with this kind of lyrics? anyone? please
In The Nightside Eclipse is a prototype of black metal. Tough thing to say "destroys in every way.."
sdgas gsgsdfa
thanks for reminding me about this one :)
The early voice of Nergal was fucking epic, similar to Werwolf from Satanic Warmaster!This track is just pure beauty of black metal. The real Behemoth.Hail!!
Vitor Lima
Blood is life eternal, eternal
+OnyxBeastGuitar "it destroys albums like In The Nightside Eclipse in every way." hahaha, nice joke dude