tim venters 2019-02-08 01:41:02 To think that all those kids were my age back then.Good honest times for us kids back then.
Petteri Sironen 2018-12-14 22:44:19 unbelievably John Farnham was 30 years ahead of recent times, this song is more timely than ever. And this is real music to hear, enjoy and deeply think the message behind the lyrics.
virginiadlegado delgado
Great Song, Greater Mullet!
Rik Nel
JORN should cover this.
Dan Algama
Can we bring back old Australia again
tim venters
To think that all those kids were my age back then.Good honest times for us kids back then.
wilde minze
H9... Neuenwege, Varel
Petteri Sironen
unbelievably John Farnham was 30 years ahead of recent times, this song is more timely than ever. And this is real music to hear, enjoy and deeply think the message behind the lyrics.
philip kilmartin
Johns best song ever !!!!!
Mustang Sally
enough with the ads !!
Epic Naruto Bars
Sein bestes Lied....genauso gut wie damals "You are the Voice"
elliot newton
Boy he sang some ENLIGHTENED songs.....
Kevin 504
One of the All Time Great Australian Songs.