SuperSkopr 2018-12-26 20:25:21 I love the way 80s music fades out. It never ends, they just keep on playing, and they are still playing to this day!
bigpapadrew 2018-10-15 17:55:00 as soon as australia becomes a republic, and we start celebrating australia day on may 8th, this will be our national anthem.
betty swollocks 2018-08-12 04:03:38 This needs to be the rebellion anthem for when the people rise against greedy murdering governments in the west and across the world.
I love the way 80s music fades out. It never ends, they just keep on playing, and they are still playing to this day!
as soon as australia becomes a republic, and we start celebrating australia day on may 8th, this will be our national anthem.
One immense tune
Sarah Johnston
Alpha Papa brought me here
betty swollocks
This needs to be the rebellion anthem for when the people rise against greedy murdering governments in the west and across the world.
w v oord v d vlies
Trighed to ignore it and it earned my like
Erik Dabda
Here because of Hot Rod......sorry
maggie Sanchez
I love this song because it remind me of my wife to be x
Alexandra Mabel
The kind of music I listen to before doing 4 hour long tests.